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Library Renovation Minutes 03/16/11
MARCH 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairperson Barbara Leonard in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday (late to arrive), Barbara Leonard, J. Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos, and Secretary David Goldsholl. Member absent: Diane Carney.  Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Architect Peter Wells, Public Works Director Bruce Williams, Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe and Enterprise Builders Project Engineer Wayne Czarnecki.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Stokesbury seconded and all agreed to accept the February 16, 2011 minutes as presented. Ms. Hornaday and Mr. Kuziak arrived later and missed the vote.


Mr. Goldsholl spoke of the benefits of the various committee members attending the construction meetings. He said this helps to get a very good picture of what transpires on a regular, weekly basis. Ms. Leonard concurred. He reminded the members that the meetings are held on Thursdays, 10:00 AM at the Library. Mr. Czarnecki will send an e-mail to Mr. Bartha giving the time and location of their monthly meetings held at Enterprise Builders in Newington, which he will in turn forward to the committee members.

V. UPDATE AND REPORT FROM a. Construction Manager – Status of the project, b. Architect – Status of the project
Mr. Czarnecki relayed that construction is going well, with a good sized concrete pour today. Concrete should be complete by the end of the month and structural steel will begin April 4th. Basement backfill began this week as well. Partial damp proofing has taken place, with waterproofing on the elevator complete. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the project was on time. Mr. Czarnecki said weather delays have put the project 14 days behind but felt confident the days can be made up after the structural steel is complete. She also questioned news articles projecting the opening to March 2012. Ms. Vocelli explained that the projected opening is in March, but that construction should be done by February. She said the library would be done and not opened until a month later, needing four weeks to move in.

Mr. Wells said in side meetings an issue with the septic system and the Farmington Valley Health District has popped up, which he feels has been greatly resolved without too much expense to the project. He’s not sure of the figure but will relay it when he has it. He was pleased that everyone worked together to arrive at a solution and that FVHD was now ready to sign off. Mr. Wells said that a CCD (construction change directive to be signed by each party) has been issued which keeps the project moving, with the money part sorted out later, as to not delay it. Mr. Bartha noted too that the FVHD was extremely proactive to resolve the issue quickly with everyone concerned. Mr. Goldsholl added that when you think things are on track, they may not be. Mr. Czarnecki would not guess the cost of the change without more information.

Mr. Wells said he was closing in on being ready to bid out the IT, FFE and circulation desks packages. Mr. Boos requested that in the CM report going forward, they provide their PCO log which is a log that shows what has been approved or is pending, as this would be beneficial for the members to see. Mr. Williams especially liked that the log shows the change orders. Mr. Czarnecki offered to have this ready the Friday before the agenda goes out. Mr. Goldsholl said that currently purchase order projections are up $52,000 but that $29,400 will be subtracted because of a “no” to a structural steel price hike, leaving a balance of approximately $21,000.

VI. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Budget Update, b. Approval of Invoices, c. Value Engineering Schedule
Mr. Bartha said the only change is that VE items approved to be added back in at last month’s meeting are appearing as change orders this month for formal approval. Beginning next month, approved change orders will be appearing on the contingency line in the budget. Mr. Kuziak questioned the timeliness of the change orders appearance. Mr. Bartha said change orders approved tonight should appear by the next month’s meeting. Mr. Kuziak said this would be helpful to track to avoid potential out of control spending.  

Mr. Bartha circulated two invoices that arrived after the agenda was distributed for the committee’s approval. CIRMA’s invoice is for the pro-rated portion of the builder’s risk insurance being carried for the project thru June 30, 2011. Mr. McNaboe explained that this is an additional insurance that covers new projects while they are being constructed. The regular insurance coverage would have to be adjusted to accommodate the additional square footage once the project was completed. $3,727.00 covers basically half of the total of the risk premium that the town is carrying for the life of the project. The second invoice is for the sign to be placed by Public Works at the crosswalk between the library and the church on Country Club Road. This invoice amount is $355.00.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to add the two invoices to the agenda.  None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Boos seconded and all agreed to approve for payment the CIRMA invoice #LP040609, dated 3/11/11 in the amount of $3,727.00. None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to approve for payment East Coast Sign & Supply invoice #48483, dated 3/9/11 in the amount of $355.00. None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

Mr. Bartha questioned whether the members would like invoices, such as these, added for approval after they’ve been paid. Mr. Kuziak said it was important to see them as the committee was responsible for the project’s budget. Enterprise Builders’ $406,173 application for payment covers all work done through February which includes excavation, concrete and the first purchase of steel. It has been reviewed by staff at the construction meetings. Mr. Boos was satisfied that it is consistent with what was already seen.

VOTE: Mr. Boos motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to approve for payment Enterprise Builders’ application and certificate for payment #004, dated 2/28/11 in the amount of $406,173.00. None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

Mr. Bartha said the next invoice covers the monthly architect’s fee for work performed and recommends approval.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to approve for payment Tuthill and Wells Architects, LLC invoice 3916, dated 3/3/11 in the amount of $8,603.00. None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

The final invoice to vote on is the second invoice for special testing which was challenged by the construction team and only recommended to be partially paid: $1,238.00 instead of $1,786.30. Mr. Bartha recommends payment of the invoice. Mr. Wells and Mr. Boos commended Mr. Bartha on his ability to negotiate so well, having little experience with testing agencies, in his efforts to save money for the town.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to approve for payment Special Testing Laboratories, Inc.’s invoice #25608, dated 2/28/11 in the amount of $1,238.00. None opposed. Ms. Hornaday was absent for the vote.

The members discussed the VE schedule. Mr. Kuziak relayed the previous evening’s Library Board of Directors meeting making the decision to offer to pay for some of the VE items with monies from their fundraising efforts. They wanted to include back into the project items that help to make and give Avon’s character to the project. The items included item G (restore pre-school Avon Market Place streetscape assembly $5,026.64), 6F (restore all window seats $1,913.83), 9C (restore Axion cloud rings $12,745.04), 9L (restore wood floor in Community Room (delete carpet tile) $947.60), and 6B (restore homosote tackboards $3,823.51). The total for the items is $24,456.62. He added that floor to ceiling tile should come out of the bricks and mortar side vs. things that could be gotten from the fundraising side. Ms. Hornaday thought it just wonderful and generous of them to make this offer.

Ms. Leonard raised concerns that 9B (wood ceiling) would conflict with the selected lighting fixtures. Mr. Wells said that lighting fixtures still had to be bought and could be adjusted to accommodate them. Mr. Wells said that at most it would entail a restocking charge for the light fixtures sent back. Mr. Boos felt it premature to choose the wood ceiling which he felt is something that could be chosen later, as contingency monies allowed, and add it to items for future consideration.

Mr. Boos suggested adding the items G, 6F, 9C, 9L and 6B back into the budget because it was clear where the funding was coming from. Mr. Bartha can work out the details to add it back to the budget. Ms. Hornaday stressed the importance of making the Town Council and the residents aware that there are many parties interested in the project, especially the Library Board in making major commitments to it.

Ms. Hornaday questioned the ramifications if we waited to install floor to ceiling wall tile in the bathrooms after work was completed. Mr. Boos asked why the decision to select floor to ceiling tile had to be made now. Mr. Czarnecki reiterated his stance that certain items needed lead times or became discontinued and that his experience qualified this timeline. Mr. Williams spoke of the expense and difficulty of finished work having to be re-done to accommodate new material. The members suggested moving the tile decision to items for future consideration. Mr. Wells did say that money would be saved from the lawn irrigation bid when it was resubmitted but didn’t know how much could be added back to offset some of these items.

Ms. Hornaday questioned item 6E (restore plastic laminate slat wall at Tax’s elev. Dtl. 6/A18). Ms. Vocelli described it as the area where forms could be hung on the wall near the copier, scanner and tax forms. She said they had one now or could add it at a later date but really felt they could do without it. Members suggested moving the item 6E to the rejected items.

Item 9N (restore ceramic tile with loose mat in vestibule (delete glued down walk off mat) was discussed. Ms. Vocelli asked if the ceramic tile would match the tile around the circulation desk to which Mr. Wells said yes. A glued mat would have to be replaced in four to five years which members agreed wouldn’t get done. Mr. Boos suggested adding this item to items for future consideration. He reiterated that hopefully the tile decisions would be made in one night.

Ms. Hornaday reminded the members of using the time slot set aside for the morning meeting in case drop dead decisions had to be made as Mr. Robertson has reiterated that votes could not be taken by e-mail. In response to items being moved for future consideration, she would hope to have good dates to determine to hold meetings to make these time sensitive decisions. She did not want to make errors that could lead to criticism of the committee. Mr. Bartha said that FOI approved of distributing information but that one was in violation if dialogue was exchanged relating to the charge of the group. Dialogue between four members of the committee constitutes a special meeting which violates FOI’s rule of meeting notification. Mr. Wells will make sure to let the members know when a vote needed to be taken.

The members decided to defer item M (restore ACT & VCT in Room F14 Chair Storage (instead of sealed concrete and painted structure only) to items for future consideration. Mr. Wells urged retention of the acoustical ceiling in that room.

Mr. Goldsholl discussed the Town Council’s concern of restoring items (spending contingency) so early in the project. Mr. Bartha said several members of the Town Council questioned putting the $12,500 back in so early, but as a group said they were not second guessing the committee and felt the Committee was making decisions that were for the best interest of the project. The Town Council asked to hear from the committee if the total value of items added back by the Committee crossed the original owner contingency threshold of $50,000 to explain why it was in project’s best interest to go beyond it. Mr. Goldsholl surmised that we had their approval for up to $50,000. Mr. Kuziak added that right now we were $12,500 into that amount. Ms. Hornaday had hoped that she had explained our rationale for adding back in the tile as it was a big item. The long term maintenance cost to the town would be better, which was taken on the advice of those who were chosen to work with us, and not just because we wanted it. Mr. Bartha said the Town Council’s concerns were with the timing and not bad decisions on the part of the construction team and committee.

VII. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of Change Orders
Mr. Bartha said the #1($6,207.00), #2($5,145.00) and #3($1,137.95) change orders reflected the committee’s last month’s decision to add items back in. The other three 4, 5 and 6 were change orders with no dollar amounts. He included information on how these change orders are to be handled: regardless of value, all proposed change orders would first be presented by the CM to the Architect, and, if both parties agree that the change order is warranted, then by the Architect and CM to the Town Manager’s designee (Bruce or Scott). Furthermore, all approved change orders will be presented by the CM to the Building Committee at regular meetings.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to approve change orders 1-6 as presented. None opposed.


VOTE: Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. None opposed.

                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person


                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary